PANEL DISCUSSION: Migration into and out of the UK after Brexit
October 29, 2019
Date: 29 October 2019
Time: 5-6pm
Venue: The Hub, Kellogg College, 60-62 Banbury Rd, Oxford, OX26PN
All are welcome. Register via Eventbrite.
In this panel conversation, experts on policy, media and economics will discuss how Brexit is likely to affect migration into and out of the UK and public debate about it. Key questions for the discussion include: Will migration decrease after Brexit? What sectors are more/less likely to experience labour shortages? Will there be a change in the way the UK media covers migration stories after Brexit? Will there be a shift from focusing on EU migration to covering stories related to asylum and other forms of migration from outside the EU? What are the implications of Brexit for the employment opportunities and outcomes of EU nationals living in the UK? Will Brexit lead to large scale emigration from the UK?
- Madeleine Sumption (Director, the Migration Observatory and Member of the UK Migration Advisory Committee)
- Robert McNeil (Deputy Director, the Migration Observatory and former journalist)
- Zovanga Kone (Economist and Postdoctoral Fellow with the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society)
- Carlos Vargas-Silva (Research Director and Associate Professor, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society and Principal Investigator of the REMINDER project).
The conversation will be live-streamed via the University of Oxford channel: