
Second Workshop on Immigration, Health and Well-Being, June 6, 2017

June 6, 2017

The workshop’s focus was broad, covering empirical economic research on these topics. The one day workshop, held at COMPAS, had a small number of hour-long research presentations, and  included a poster session. The workshop aimed to foster new connections among scholars with common interests in these areas. Giovanni Peri from UC Davis gave the keynote lecture.


9.00 – 9.15 Welcome and coffee

9.15 – 10.00 Emergency department utilization for inappropriate care: Are there differences between immigrants and native patients?
Matteo Lippi Bruni, Irene Mammi and Cristina Ugolini (University of Bologna)
Discussant: Veronica Grembi (Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria)

10.00 – 10.45 Speak better, do better? Education and health of migrants in the UK
Yu Aoki (University of Aberdeen), Lualhati Santiago (ONS)
Discussant: Catia Nicodemo (University of Oxford)

10.45 – 11.15 Coffee break

11.15 – 12.00 Social remittances and birth control knowledge/use among Afghan women
Inez Roosen, Melissa Siegel (UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University)
Discussant: Isabel Ruiz (University of Oxford)

12.00 – 12.45 The effects of restricting access to the health care system to the illegal immigrant population. The case of the Spanish 2012 health bill
Arnau Juanmartí Mestres, Guillem Lopez Casasnovas, Judit Vall Castelló (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Discussant: Corrado Giuletti (Southampton)

12.45 – 13.45 Lunch and poster session*

13.45 – 14.45 Keynote presentation by Giovanni Peri (UC Davis) – The Economics and Politics of Immigration to the US

14.45 – 15.30 Immigration and life satisfaction: The EU enlargement experience in England and Wales
Artjoms Ivlevs (Bristol Business School), Michail Veliziotis (University of Southampton)
Discussant: Greta Morando (University of Essex)

15.30 – 16.15 Measuring sub-national migration networks using Matriculas Consulares
Maria Esther Caballero (Carnegie Mellon University), Brian C. Cadena (University of Colorado), Brian K. Kovak (Carnegie Mellon University)
Discussant: Zovanga Kone (University of Oxford)

16.15 – 16.30 Coffee break

16.30 – 17.15 Silence of the innocents: Illegal immigrants’ underreporting of crime and their victimization
Stefano Comino (Università di Udine), Giovanni Mastrobuoni (University of Essex), Antonio Nicolò (University of Padua)
Discussant: Francesco Fasani (Queen Mary University)

17.15 – 18.00 Immigration and the reallocation of work health risks
Osea Giuntella (University of Pittsburgh), Catia Nicodemo (University of Oxford), Carlos Vargas-Silva (University of Oxford)
Discussant: Esther Arenas Arroyo (University of Oxford)

6:15 Drinks

7:30 dinner at the Turl Street Kitchen

Poster session

Health outcomes for newborns and mothers: Does migration matter?
Paola Bertoli (Prague), Veronica Grembi (Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria), Pantelis Kazakis (Prague)

Does immigration decrease far-right popularity? Evidence from Finnish municipalities
Jakub Lonsky (University of Pittsburgh)

Immigration and the rise of the political right: The role of cultural and economic concerns over immigration
Lewis S. Davis (Union College), Sumit S. Deole (University of Halle-Wittenberg)

What drives the substitutability between native and foreign workers? Evidence about the role of language
Elena Gentili, Fabrizio Mazzonna (Università della Svizzera italiana)

Closing Heaven’s Door: Evidence from the 1920s US Immigration Quota Acts
Philipp Ager (University of Southern Denmark), Casper Worm Hansen (University of Copenhagen)

The changing family structure of American children with unauthorized parents
Esther Arenas Arroyo (University of Oxford), Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes (San Diego State University)

Would a visa free policy affect the composition of incoming immigrants to the host country? Empirical evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in the UK
Zovanga Kone (University of Oxford)

Differences in labour market outcomes between natives, refugees and other migrants in the UK
Isabel Ruiz, Carlos Vargas-Silva (University of Oxford)


Details of the First Workshop on Immigration, Health and Well-Being in 2016.

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